Thursday, 4 November 2010


The nights have been drawing in for a while now so you should have your eyes fixed on the winter collections which are being released from all angles to make sure you can really impress down at the dancehall/gallery/fruit market.

This post only focuses on shoes and hats though I'm afraid.

First up is this simple headwear option from The Hundreds whose collections are becoming nearly as large as recent releases by Obey.

Another simple noggin-topper from the same collection has a nice military style logo incorporating a nostalgic motto of the brand.

We shadowboxers do have a soft spot for anything Mishka and their new additions are worthy of mention here. Death Adders for life.

Follow on so your feet don't get cold.

Here are some nice footwear releases also starting with a simple and effective Spizike colourway which I have been longing for. A sprinkling of Jordan brand heritage is included also for the eagle-eyed. See Hypebeast.

The classic Nike Terminator silhouette has been given a more rugged look which makes this pair perfect for winter's tumultuous weather conditions. See wellgosh.

I really cannot decide if this shoe design works or if it belongs on this page but it is definitely worth a look even if it is a bit more expensive. A new brand to enter into the shadows, these Gourmet Uno shoes look ready-made for resisting wet leaves. See Flatspot.

Take your pick.

1 comment:

  1. Death hat is awesomez and those nikes are golly-goshly pretty
